• Services

  • We offer a wide range of services from on-site instrument service, to instrument relocation. The range of services offered includes maintenance, repair and qualification of:

    Agilent Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 1100, 1200, 1260 & 1290 series.

    Agilent Gas Chromatograph (GC) 6890 & 7890 series.

    Agilent Headspace G1888A & 7697 samplers.

    Agilent UV-Vis 8453, 8454 series.

    •  Instrument installations and Install Qualifications (IQ)
    •  Operational Qualifications (see more in “Compliance Services”)
    •  LC and GC Training Courses (maintenance & operation)
    •  Instrument relocation
    •  Instrument upgrades and refurbishing
    •  Hardware Service Agreements
    •  Instrument Preventive Maintenance (PM)
    •  Bench repair services
    •  VapLock HPLC Solvent Waste Management Systems

    Instrument Installations

    We can install NEW and USED instrumentation and provide an Installation Qualification (IQ). The IQ is designed to meet compliance  requirements.

    Instrument Relocation

    Moving a lab can be a stressful situation. We can remove the stress and downtime of moving your Agilent instrumentation by uninstalling, packing, moving, reinstalling and Qualifying the instrumentation efficiently. No single company can expertly move an entire lab. We specialize in Agilent instrumentation and it is always more efficient to have a specialist move the equipment they know.

    Instrument Upgrades & Refurbishing

    Do you have an old Agilent LC or GC sitting around collecting dust? We can revive it to perform as new and provide you with a working system for a fraction of the cost of replacing the instrument with new. We can also upgrade your computer system from older Windows 2000 or XP to a more current Windows 7.

    VapLock Solvent Waste Management

    Proper solvent waste management is a problem most labs face. Loose waste tubing taped into old solvent bottles is a common practice, and unacceptable by Fire Marshalls, and government agencies, as well as being a safety risk to lab technicians from the escaping solvent vapors. The VapLock brand waste management system that we offer can rectify these issues and make your lab SAFE and COMPLIANT, as well as being much more aesthetically pleasing for anyone visiting or auditing your lab. It will also eliminate the inevitable solvent spills on the bench and floor and is completely customizable for any brand of equipment you may have that has solvent waste.